Once you enter into our circle, you become part of the family.
We approach partnerships the same way we approach everything we do: with a whole lot of heart. The relationships we build with our distributors are as authentic as our pinsa crusts. Elevate your business with Pedone Pinsa’s top-and-bake crusts today—hand-pressed right in our Wisconsin SQF-certified facility!
About Pedone Pinsa

Serve Better. Serve Pinsa.
Ready to serve up our revolutionary crust? We have a few distributor requirements to grow this exciting pinsa market together:
- Commitment to market growth strategy
- Freezer trucks
- Sales rep contact information
- Commitment to sales meetings and trainings
- Desire and knowledge to strategize market growth plan
pedone pinsa brand assets
Ready to serve up our revolutionary crust? Use Pedone Pinsa-approved brand assets for ads, collateral, and more! Take a look at our marketing materials and you’ll be spreading the love of pinsa faster than you can say presto!